Wednesday, June 13, 2012

  With so many ways to create titles on Craigslist, it’s sometimes a hit or miss getting people to read your ad. Keeping this in mind, we ran many different titles using an assortment of fonts, wording and symbols. Then, we used  tools like Google Analytics and GetClicky to gather information by measuring clicks, bounce rates , new users and time at site. and Google Analytics both allow you to track what people are doing at your site. They tell you how long people stay, what actions are they taking, bounce rates, clicks, and their physical location - all of which is very useful information for trying to obtain more visits to your site.  Both are really simple tools to use and can be learned in no time flat.

  Combining info gathered from Google Analytics and GetClicky on a spreadsheet allowed us to find any emerging patterns. Do dollar signs work better then stars?  Do the short, simpler titles work better then long drawn out ones?  Are the keywords you are using working for you or against?  Being able to see and analyze this information allows you to find what works best for your business.